Monday, September 8, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Heart Diseases--- Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease With Exercise
By Cooper Jones Platinum Quality Author

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in England and Wales.

In coronary heart disease (CHD) arteries that provide the heart with oxygen become narrowed. This can place increased demands on the heart. Consequences of this can include angina and heart attack.

As with many diseases people can have unavoidable genetic dispositions to heart disease. However, there are a number of key lifestyle changes that can be employed to drastically reduce the risk of CHD. This includes the reduction of alcohol consumption, stopping smoking and adopting a healthy diet. But a key area for reducing the risk of CHD is exercise.

Doing just 30 minutes of regular moderate intensity exercise can half your chances of getting CHD. It is important to consult your Doctor before undertaking a new exercise regime.

You could start simply by taking the dog for regular or longer walks, getting off the bus a few stops early on the way to work or parking further away from the office. As you increase your exercise levels you could consider taking up running or purchasing a bike. Or investigate active hobbies such as sailing or tennis. It is important to ease yourself into a new exercise regime. This is not just for health reasons but also so that you can maintain interest. In order to stay motivated, set achievable goals and work towards them. Longer term goals could be to run a local fun run or even a marathon. This would not only help your own health but you could raise money for a charity perhaps even a heart disease charity and help those less fortunate and those who did not follow the advice that you have taken.

As well as reducing the risk of heart disease, exercise can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and improve general well being.

Cooper is a fitness enthusiast and budding blogger. Why not take a look at his reviews of Masai Shoes?

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